I grew up in a performing family. I have vivid memories of walking back stage and hanging out in the green room of the theatre in New York City where my dad was making a living on Broadway. Seeing him on TV or in a newspaper clipping was not an abnormal occurrence. I spent many nights watching my mom in her ballet class through the studio windows, listening to records of her singing, or hearing stories of her “A Chorus Line” experiences.
I took my first ballet class at the age of 5 and it took me more than a decade to question whether there was any other place I wanted to be. I learned very quickly that there really was no place I’d rather be than in a dance studio or on a stage. I held on tight to that feeling as I pursued a college degree and considered where it would take me. It took me down an unexpected path that I never imagined; one that led me to a wonderful, kind, supportive husband. For 14 years we have been on the most fulfilling journey I could have ever hoped for!
But where did dance fit into this new path?
Since moving to Teton Valley in 2007, I’ve had a recurring impression that I needed to open a dance school. It started out as a faint whisper--a surprising paradigm shift--and has become louder over time. The vision for the school began to be clearly laid out for me in bits and pieces, until it became something that I actually live for.
Our first year as Valley residents was also the year our first child was born (that beautiful face you see above). Several years later we were blessed with twin boys, and then another boy less than 2 years later, and on July 4, 2017, a little redheaded girl! With each new chapter came MANY new responsibilities, and my professional goals seemed more like fantasies. Not to mention, we already had a dance school here in the valley. Saturating the artistic market didn’t seem like a realistic pursuit; what our community needed was a team united in furthering the art of dance.
I’ve been fortunate to meet many likeminded artists and educators over the years and found it easy to devote my time and talents to supporting their goals. I’ve learned so much from them and been humbled and grateful for the chance to work together. But the persistent desire to do more-and the right timing for everyone involved-has led me on a new journey. One that I can now finally share with my family and with my community as we present Summit School of the Arts.
"...the Angels are the dancers' desire to fly, but above all to ascend: to elevate themselves above the material world and toward [the Heavens]." -Apollo’s Angels by Jennifer Homans