Acrobatic Dance, or acro as it is commonly referred to by dancers and dance professionals, is the beautiful fusion of classic dance technique and the precision and athleticism of acrobatic elements. Often defined by unique choreography, acro dancers seamlessly blend musicality, emotional expression, line and extension with acrobatic movements in a dance context.
Acro’s roots are in traditional Chinese dance, later appearing as a favoured style on the Vaudeville stage. More recently, acro gained popularity with the wide spread success of the contemporary circus productions of Cirque du Soleil. Main stream media including dance television programs like ‘So You Think You Can Dance’, ‘America’s Best Dance Crew’ and ‘Dance Moms’ have further fuelled it’s demand in amateur competitive dance and studio settings.
Acro is an especially challenging style for dancers to master as training in both dance and acrobatic elements is required. Acro technique includes balancing, limbering, tumbling and partnering, based in flexibility, contortion and strength.

Acro is a new skill for almost every one of our students, whether they have been dancing for years or not. Although the Acrobatic Arts program has very specific level goals and requirements, this inaugural year we will have every level begin with primary skills and progress at their own pace. Even within one class, the syllabus is easily adapted to multiple skill levels. Please enroll in the class that best fits your child's age and schedule requirements. We have included the requirements by level so that you can see what to expect for the future.
FLEXIBILITY: Pre-splits R&L (4 in.), pre-splits center (4 in.), pre-toes to head (4 in.), pre-forward bend (4 in.), shoulder stretch (touching)
STRENGTH: Plank (40 sec), superman (40 sec), table top (40 sec), wall sit (40 sec), handstand facing the wall straight (25 sec), upper body lifts (25 consecutive), bridge (25 sec), V sit (40 sec), handstand shoulder shrugs facing wall (5 consecutive)
BALANCING SKILLS: Half scorpion (5 sec R or L), headstand tuck (15 sec), headstand press to straddle (5 sec)
LIMBERING SKILLS: Bridge recover, bridge kick over (R or L), bridge prances (retire), bridge with straight legs, handstand chest roll, handstand to bridge (RL)
TUMBLING SKILLS: Handstand forward roll (R or L), close hand cartwheel (RL), dive forward roll, chasse step hop retire cartwheel (RL)
FLEXIBILITY: Pre-splits R&L (4 in.), pre-splits center (4 in.), pre-toes to head (4 in.), pre-forward bend (2 in.), shoulder stretch (touching)
STRENGTH: Plank (50 sec), superman (50 sec), table top (50 sec), wall sit (40 sec), handstand facing the wall straight (30 sec), upper body lifts (30 consecutive), bridge (30 sec), V sit (50 sec), handstand shoulder shrugs facing wall (10 consecutive)
BALANCING SKILLS: Half scorpion (5 sec RL), Chest stand legs straight/together (5 sec), headstand press to straddle (10 sec), forearm stand (5 sec)
LIMBERING SKILLS: 16 count bridge recover, bridge kick over (RL), bridge prances (straight), bridge to forearms, front limber (RL), Arabian handstand to forward roll (straddle)
TUMBLING SKILLS: Hurdle cartwheel rebound (RL), far hand cartwheel (RL), donkey kicks (5 continuous), chasse step hop retire pop cartwheel (RL)
FLEXIBILITY: Pre-splits R&L (2 in.), pre-splits center (2 in.), pre-toes to head (2 in.), pre-forward bend (2 in.), shoulder stretch (grasp)
STRENGTH: Push up (1), superman (1 min), handstand shoulder touches facing wall (10 consecutive), handstand facing wall straight (40 sec), upper body lifts (35 consecutive), bridge (40 sec), V sit (1 min)
BALANCING SKILLS: Half scorpion (10 sec RL), chest stand legs straight/together (10 sec), headstand show 2 leg positions (10 sec each), forearm stand (10 sec), leg hold (5 sec R or L)
LIMBERING SKILLS: Bridge recover 3 in a row, rocking bridges, bridge to chest roll, fish flop, Arabian handstand to forward roll (pike)
TUMBLING SKILLS: Flying cartwheel (RL), front walkover (R or L), back walkover (R or L), hurdle roundoff (R or L)
FLEXIBILITY: Butterfly, Rock-and-roll, pre-forward bend, cobra
STRENGTH: Plank, superman, table top, wall sit, 3 tuck jumps, 3 frog jumps, crab walks for 5 ft
BALANCING SKILLS: Right & left foot retire, rise on demi pointe
LIMBERING SKILLS: Ball pose, pike, tuck, straddle, stretch & flex feet, baby bridge, tendu devant starting position (arms forward), tendu a la seconde ending position (arms in L), jazz second starting position (arms forward)
TUMBLING SKILLS: Hollow position (arms down), gallops side & front, pre-cartwheel (R or L), somersault
FLEXIBILITY: Butterfly stretch, pre-forward bend (6 in.), square hip exercise RL, straddle stretch, articulated cobra
STRENGTH: Plank (10 seconds), superman (10 sec), table top (10 sec), wall sit (10 sec), handstand facing the wall (pike), 5 frog jumps, 5 hops on 1 foot (R&L), V sit demonstration
BALANCING SKILLS: Right & left foot retire (5 sec), rise on demi pointe (5 sec)
LIMBERING SKILLS: Tendu to second ending position with transfer of weight, pike, tuck, straddle, stretch & flex feet, push up to bridge
TUMBLING SKILLS: Hollow position (arms up), log rolls, hand stank in L (R&L), pre-cartwheel (R&L), forward pike roll (end in pike), step hop in retire (continuous), rock-and-roll from standing to standing (tuck)
FLEXIBILITY: Pre-splits R&L (6 in.), pre-splits center (6 in.), pre-toes to head (6 in.), pre-forward bend (6 in.)
STRENGTH: Plank (20 sec), superman (20 sec), table top (20 sec), wall sit (20 sec), handstand facing the wall in pike (10 sec), upper body lifts (10 consecutive), bridge (10 sec), V sit (20 sec)
BALANCING SKILLS: Baby scorpion (5 sec R or L), teddy bear stand (5 sec), seated double leg hold (5 sec)
LIMBERING SKILLS: Articulated stretch & flex feet, walk down the wall to 1/2 bridge & back up to standing, kneeling half bridge, inside out table top (RL), bridge retire (RL), bridge waving (RL)
TUMBLING SKILLS: Forward roll, 2 consecutive straddle rolls, rock-and-roll from standing to standing, cartwheel (R or L), pre-handstand (RL), straight handstand
FLEXIBILITY: Pre-splits R&L (6 in.), pre-splits center (6 in.), pre-toes to head (6 in.), pre-forward bend (4 in.)
STRENGTH: Plank (30 sec), superman (30 sec), table top (30 sec), wall sit (30 sec), handstand facing the wall in pike (20 sec), upper body lifts (20 consecutive), bridge (20 sec), V sit (30 sec)
BALANCING SKILLS: Quarter scorpion (5 sec RL), headstand tuck (10 sec), seated double leg hold (10 sec)
LIMBERING SKILLS: Down to bridge, walk down the wall to bridge & back up to standing, bridge with transfer of weight, bridge with kick and jump (RL), inside out bridge (RL), bridge walking, bridge kickover with a stack (R or L), bridge retire developpe (RL)
TUMBLING SKILLS: Backward roll, cartwheel (RL), cartwheel from one knee (R or L), straight handstand (RL)